Steve is a brilliant inventor, engineer and programmer. He has great passion for what he does. I enjoyed hearing him speak regarding his career, his start in the industry building HP calculators and his first design of circuit boards in the 1970’s. He shared a great story of his interaction with Steve Jobs in his own garage,
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Charlie sheen was probably one of the most surprising, authentic, funny, inspiring actors I have met. A lot has been said about the man. And Charlie has said more than he wants to. See More..
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Growing up, I was raised in a house that was strict – with a military style of discipline. I have come to realize, I was always attempting to do things perfectly, to support my parents and keep the peace. I did all I could to earn their approval and be upbeat!
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I was so uncomfortable in this picture! Can you tell? Yes! The worst. Why? I doubted myself. As I awaited my personal photo opportunity with Jewel, I found myself wanting to check my tie, my hair and in general became self conscious about my appearance. While standing with a friend and “Image Consultant” I met in Chicago, I could not resist asking, "How's my tie?"
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As I interacted with each “Star” it was increasingly clear that they were surprisingly down to earth, regular people, like any one of us. Yes! Really! As they spoke it was like any other day to day conversation. They were friendly, and each had their own genius and gift.
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Recently, I had the pleasure (and privilege) of meeting Dr. Phil and engaging him with a question. As founder of Outrageous Success where I support people to reprogram their beliefs, behaviors, and blocks on the inside so they can powerfully create more meaning, joy, and success on the outside, I'm always curious about what other leaders think about the biggest stumbling blocks to success.
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“Be more positive!” This is the message so many self-professed self help experts espouse. And yet if you’re like many clients when they first come to me, you’ve been doing your best to think more positively, to live into happy thoughts, to avoid uncomfortable feelings, and… You’re still stuck. It’s not that you didn’t ‘think positively enough’. It’s that positivity alone isn’t the answer.
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Life isn’t about having what everyone else has. Or following society’s rulebook. It’s about owning, honoring, and following your heart. It's about tapping into your values and living in alignment with what lights you up - to find your joy.
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Last week, I had the privilege & pleasure of interviewing Dr. Phil about what it takes to create & maintain Outrageous Success. So many incredible moments stand out in my mind.
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