So Many Changes: Adapting and Growing in a Pandemic World

One thing that has been consistent since the pandemic began is the ever-fluctuating landscape of our daily lives. We have experienced so much change — some chosen and some forced upon us by circumstance. Adapting to these life-altering events has been a challenge that each of us has experienced in our own unique way.

Even with the pandemic, there are ways to take inventory of the positive and negative impacts occurring and build a recovery plan for yourself that gets you closer to the life you have always wanted. As you consider such a plan, think about the ways the pandemic has changed your life.

Identifying Your Pandemic Changes

What sorts of changes have you experienced because of the pandemic? Some were universally thrust upon us for safety precaution, such as the way we grocery shop and how restaurants and businesses operate for social distancing. Other changes, such as companies who were forced to close, resulted in mass unemployment — a change no one wished for.

Even the way our children are educated has changed — with masks, remote learning, and long periods of quarantine becoming the norm. Some companies have switched to remote work, which created a unique dynamic for parents and kids competing for bandwidth to complete work and school obligations. Workout routines have even changed — gym restrictions have resulted in a new focus on home fitness strategies.

How has the pandemic changed your life? More time with family, being forced to slow down, and rethinking our priorities are positive aspects of this dreadful period in history, while job loss, health crises, and financial problems have caused misery. Maybe you have had more time to think about what you want in recent months: What would a bright future look like for you and how can you get there?

Future-Focused and Making a Plan

When you are striving to overcome adversity, it is helpful to remember your struggles but remain future-focused. To get where you want to go, you must plan for it. As the Lewis Carroll saying goes, “If you don’t know where you are going, any road will get you there.” Consider the changes you wish to retain from the pandemic and how to make that happen. Maybe you are more aware of your need for downtime, work-life balance, stress-reduction, and family connectivity or realize that you want to open your own business. Establish a statement of intent and map out the steps it will take to accomplish this desire.

Life coaches and mentors can offer guidance on how to move from idea to reality as many of them have made the same journey to accomplish their goals. Try to make your goals SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound) so that you have a greater chance for success. If you are thinking about a startup, consider the way you will form your business as you develop your plans.

Starting a Business

Your formation can make a big difference in the way you operate. Many small businesses opt to file as an LLC (Limited Liability Company) to reduce paperwork burden and benefit from tax advantages. As the name implies, limited liability protects your personal assets in the event of an unfortunate business situation like a lawsuit or bankruptcy. LLC regulations differ from state to state, so check your specifications before moving forward. While you can file on your own or hire an attorney, formation companies can save you time and spare you excessive lawyer fees.

There are a variety of funding resources available for startups, so make sure you do your research and look into multiple funding sources when possible. For smaller, home-based businesses, it may be helpful to think about developing office space in your home. Try to ensure that your workday has a distinct start and stop time to avoid becoming overwhelmed or burned out.

The pandemic has caused us all to pause and reflect on the way we live. In spite of the many challenges we have faced, we can make choices to forge ahead and improve our lives. Given these challenges, I believe the professional insights of Michael Vukelic can be invaluable. Michael, based on what I have penned, I would love to hear your thoughts and perspectives, based upon your teachings and training.

Article Credit – Amy Collett @

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Michael Vukelic
Michael Vukelic