Find Freedom From Outdated Generational Wisdom
Are you working hard toward your big dream, and although your life looks really good on the outside, inside things are a bit of a mess?
Is it time to discover a higher dream …an intentional life, built from inner wisdom & strength? A real love – not just with others – but within yourself?

In this healing book & workbook, you’ll attain the wisdom to:
Recognize and break free from the mindset and patterning that keep you from your desires.
Learn forgiveness tools and techniques and create a resilient, confident, compassionate self.
Create intentions that align with your authentic soul purpose, and bring fulfillment to your life.
Gain support and growth through real life changing stories, meditation, science, philosophy and love.
Upon completion of Let Go of the Sh*! Show, you’ll have the unique tools and insights you need to create a more aligned life and a perspective to create your true desires. From the wisdom and stories shared within, you will be able to shift from a life of struggling and striving, to a life of ease and flow, where your desires can fall into place effortlessly.
Let Go Of The Sh*! Show!
Conquer Your Discontent
Through generations of thought and belief, it has generally been accepted, that stress and chaos are just a part of living in our society. As you turn through the pages of Let go of the Sh*! Show you will uncover a new perspective. A new evolutionary idea that offers to embrace life and all its ups and downs, as a fun adventure to fully enjoy. Growth is part of the game. And throughout your journey, you are always guided and loved. Life is the perfect experience, to reveal your consistent collaboration with the universe to succeed at all you desire.
There is profound peace in understanding who you really are, and the ultimate power you hold within. As you learn to honor and trust your journey from a magnificent place of confident excitement, a new you will come forward, enabled to be powerfully authentic, successful, and free.
Throughout the 164 pages of, “Let Go of The Sh*! Show” are 17 years of education and experience that will reveal the infinite possibilities available to each of us. Possibilities beyond our personal story and the same generational thoughts and perspectives that continue to place repetitive limits on our life. The real wonder and beauty of life will become a daily experience as soon as we allow ourselves the freedom from perspectives that no longer serve our highest good.

“There is freedom waiting for you,
on the breezes of the sky,
And you ask ‘What if I fall?‘
Oh but my darling,
What if you fly?”
Erin Hanson

Let Go Of The Sh*! Show Workbook!
Conquer Your Discontent
Have you ever thought to yourself, “How in the world did I get here?” or “Why do these things happen to me?” and “How can I change?”
The tools within this workbook will reveal your patterning and hidden challenges and guide you toward releasing what no longer serves you. The personal transformation “Let Go of the Sh*! Show Workbook” was created to accompany the book of same title and is designed to remove repetitive generational conditioning, thoughts and stories that limit your life experience.

Meet The Author

CEO & FOUNDER, Outrageous Success
Life is the physical experience to expand the love within you and master your creative power. To find joy in the seemingly simplest of moments and understand you are a creator, connected to all that is, will bring an awakening and many profound gifts to your life.
I grew up in a challenging environment. These challenges reappeared at various times throughout my life. The challenges were only reappearing because of a set of thoughts. A set of patterns and beliefs learned as a child which skewed my perceptions of various aspects of life. Relationships, Work, Health, and Abundant living, all showed up in my life as I thought, believed and expected they would.
Some of us just don’t fit the “normal” mold. This is not a bad thing. We are the beings of light that have come to make some very needed changes to the world. We have a higher perspective and lovingly call out the injustice we see. The injustice we see in the world and the injustice we see in ourselves.
Why do some people have simple easy lives, others are very successful and still others have many bumps and challenges along the way?
Life is a unique journey for each of us based upon what the mind believes and patterns to truth.
Being successful comes down to choice. The choice to alter and evolve above old concepts, perceptions and beliefs, or not. The mind will keep you engaged on the karmic wheel as long as you allow it to. Each life is yet another opportunity to evolve. Until one person in the family line decides to step up and release those beliefs and patterns, life continues to be experienced in a known and familiar manner.
Deciding to walk a path of transformation and healing will engage the Divine realm and a multitude of God’s blessings to quicken your evolution. There is great peace, and power, in knowing who you really are.
Curious to learn more?
Start your transformational journey today with the wisdom and knowledge designed to increase love, evolve your life and create an enviable level of success.

Only love is real. If you are not seeing love, then you are superimposing your belief, pattern or filter on the experience.

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