Yes, this is possible. Here is what I know from Experience. Quantum Success on any level starts the moment you allow it. The moment you shed your ego in the name of honoring the authentic self. The moment you recognize and realize that you don’t have all the answers and can’t create the breakthrough you desire on your own. You can receive the guidance you need to create the meaningful change you desire and secure the soulful support you deserve.
Hi, my name is Michael Vukelic. As founder of Outrageous Success, I know what it’s like to walk through life feeling unfulfilled. And while my rock bottom included a dire diagnosis, financial crisis, and devastating divorce, yours doesn’t have to.
And, you don’t have to lose what matters to you to redefine and reinvent what Outrageous Success looks and feels like.
For the last decade, I’ve been coaching individuals, groups, organizations, and teams on what it takes to create authentic Outrageous Success. And while coaching works, it’s often not enough to create the profound and lasting breakthroughs you desire and deserve.
Which is why my signature approach combines the best tools, success strategies and techniques that work on a conscious level with powerful hypnosis or relaxation techniques that re-wire your unconscious programming.
In 2020, I’m on a mission to support motivated, brilliant, thoughtful leaders to create more magic, meaning, and life mastery with less stress and more success.
I’ve taken everything I’ve learned in my own personal development journey as well as the education, expertise and wisdom I’ve cultivated in the last decade as a trainer, coach and hypnotist, pouring the best of the best into my brand new 90 Day private package Quantum Leap 2020: Create More Magic, Meaning, & Mastery of Life.
Think of this as your one-stop shop for all the private coaching, unconscious reprogramming, self mastery, and success tools you need to release what no longer works, reignite your spark for life, and blaze your own path to Soulful Success!
I created this package after witnessing the powerful transformations clients have experienced over the last decade.
Results like:
- Breaking free from money blocks to build, grow and preserve lasting prosperity.
- Finally manifesting the love you desire and deserve.
- Releasing unwanted weight or nagging health issues to experience radiant health in a strong, lean body.
- Once and for all feeling free from decades of stress and distraction that have kept peace, joy, and love out of reach.
- Never again repeating the sabotaging family patterns of the past and instead cultivating a soul satisfying life!
Give me 90 days and I’ll walk you step by step towards a life filled with magic, meaning, and mastery.
Along the way, we’ll mindfully move through my 5 Steps To Outrageous Success…
Step #1: Mindset Mastery
You cannot create lasting change if you are in denial about the pieces and parts of yourself, your life, your past, and your present that hold you hostage. Becoming aware of and identifying what no longer serves and supports you, you reconnect to your personal power, unlock the empowered path to self acceptance, and release unnecessary resistance so you can freely and fully redesign your life with compassion, clarity, and confidence!
In the first few weeks of our work together, clients report results like lowered anxiety, increased self-love and acceptance, a renewed sense of vitality, and many excitedly share that they’re becoming a magnet for new people and possibilities!
Step #2: Get Deep Into Your Desires
What do you REALLY want? Many of us go through life with out the focus and clarity we need to live life fully! Together we unearth buried desires and new passions. It doesn’t matter how old you are, what level of responsibilities you have, you WILL discover and redefine what makes you feel confident, courageous and fulfilled. (And no, you don’t have to quit your day job!)
Step #3: Create An Intentional Action Plan
In this phase of our work together, we create unique intentions and practical actions you can implement immediately. By deepening into and following your joy, you begin to recognize and realize just how fortunate you really are – and you rediscover long-lost motivation to ACHIEVE the RESULTS you want with grit and gusto!
Step #4: Be Supported and Unwavering In Your Commitment to Succeed
The real reason most people don’t create lasting change in their life? Their Stuck! Their unconscious just doesn’t want to work that hard! And following your real dream is not hard once you unravel it. The reason my clients experience profound and lasting breakthroughs? They are supported through the process and enlist the unconscious in the transformation. This is where we connect your commitment with your desire and provide the ability to reach out instead of isolate so you find the faith, freedom, and fierceness to stay the course when it would be easy to give up, give in, or backslide.
Step #5: Signature Tools for Fundamental Trust and Inner Strength
It’s human nature to crave growth and success, but fear it when it starts to materialize, which is why most people fail. ..and why my signature tools are so essential to experiencing true transformation. And again, not just any tools, but a blend of unconscious relaxation and reprogramming with life and success coaching so that we leave no proverbial stone unturned when it comes to creating, taking, and maintaining your Quantum Leap. Together, we’ll ask the tough questions, push a little further and “Come Home” to an authentic, courageous limitless you. Beyond an old identity, we’ll walk the path every day to live into your Outrageous Success.
1. (11) 90 Minute 1-on-1 Sessions Via Zoom Video (11 Total)
We’ll meet each week for 11 weeks for 60 minutes on Zoom video. Each session will include a self empowerment or relaxation process so we can access the unconscious and results-driven breakthrough coaching to work toward your goals, focus on the 5 steps above, and create a plan of action between sessions.
2. Email Support Between Sessions (For A Full 90 Days)
You deserve to feel supported every step of the way, so you have unlimited email access to me throughout our 90 days to ask questions, share what’s coming up in a given week, and report back with your progress.
3. (3) Quantum Leap Quick Calls (3 Total)
Struggling with a specific, time-sensitive issue and don’t have a coaching session booked until the following week? I’m making three Quantum Leap Quick Calls (30 minutes) available to you throughout our 90 days so you can reach out and receive support.
4. Personalized Recording of the Meditation/Relaxation process used in your session.(As-Needed)
I will forward customized audios for you to listen to between sessions to help facilitate self hypnosis or deep relaxation.
The full value of this package is $3,995.. Now through March 15, 2020, you can purchase your 90 Day Quantum Leap 2020 Package for just $2,995 or opt to make 3 monthly payments of $1,090.
Ready For Your Quantum Leap?
Jennifer Bierma
Michael is such an amazing healer and overall fabulous man! I just had the most amazing quantum healing experience with him at Outrageous Success LLC a few weeks back. The more I sit with my experience the more insight I gain and the deeper my knowing of how to heal my own life goes. I highly recommend sessions with him!
Julie Kastan
It’s been almost two months since my sessions with Michael. To say that it was profound would not even come close. I really don’t even know how to express my appreciation for him. ..What ended up happening was something I’ve never experienced. ..the answers and wisdom I received, gave me a peace within that have altered my being. Immediately after the sessions I was and happier than I’ve been in a long time! Two months later, and I know that peace wasn’t just a temporary fluke. Michael is a truly great guide.
Kimberely Kleis
Michael, thank you for my healing Hypnosis and Coaching sessions! This has really changed my perspective, which in turn changed my physiology. I have been stress-free, ailment-free, and embodying my truth ever since. I enjoy deep rest and stay in my joy and passion as a prosperous, inspired co-creator.